Home / Easy Techniques to Fix Netgear Router WiFi Light Not On Issue

Easy Techniques to Fix Netgear Router WiFi Light Not On Issue


The Netgear router WiFi light not on issue has managed to puzzle the minds of various users these days. Considering the WiFi light is not exactly displaying any color, they are unable to make out whether they can make their client devices access the network of the Netgear router or not. In case, you are a victim of the same issue, then you should make your way to the reasons as well as the solutions highlighted in this blog. In a matter of minutes, you will be able to resolve the issue at hand. With that said, continue reading.

Why is Netgear Router WiFi Light Not On?

Reason 1: Technical Glitches

Let us start with the first reason why you are stuck with the Netgear router WiFi light not on issue, i.e. the existence of technical glitches. Before you start blaming yourself, you should know that technical glitches did not come because of something that happened from your end. Instead, they came uninvited.

Reason 2: Wrong Connection Source

Another reason why you are in this hell hole is because you used the wrong source of connection to link the networking devices, i.e. wireless. There is nothing wrong with connecting your router and the modem wirelessly. However, one cannot always rely on a wireless medium with closed eyes as it can drop at any hour of the day.

Reason 3: Too Much Distance

Where exactly have you placed your router? Is it not kept in the same room where the modem has been placed? If yes, you just discovered the third reason why you are facing the router WiFi light not on issue. Too much distance between the devices can make it impossible for them to transmit signals thereby forcing the WiFi light to show no color.

Reason 4: Damaged WPS LED

The last and the most obvious reason why the WiFi LED light on your networking device is not on is because it is damaged or broken.

To fix the issue, you ought to go through the troubleshooting tips given in the following section of this blog. One of them will surely be able to help you step out of this mess.

How to Turn On Netgear Router WiFi Light?

Solution 1: Reboot Netgear Router

Troubleshooting the Netgear router WiFi light not on issue can be started by implementing the easiest hack. It requires you to reboot your networking device. The same can be done if you press the power button to turn off the router, wait for some time, and reverse the first step. In a matter of seconds, your device will give you a chance to start fresh.

Solution 2: Change Connection Source

Despite restarting your device, if you are not able to fix the issue in discussion, then you should change the source of connection. For this, you need to bring an Ethernet cable to your home. Once you do, connect one of its ends to the router and another to the modem. Make sure that the connection you are establishing is finger-tight.

Solution 3: Relocate WiFi Router

Resolving the issue that you are facing is also possible if you place your host router and modem close to each other. This means that both of them should be kept in the same room. This way, your networking devices will be able to communicate properly. Hence, the WPS or the internet light will show some color as a sign that it has indeed gotten turned on.

Solution 4: Repair WiFi Light

In case none of the hacks given above help you to resolve the Netgear router WiFi light not on issue, then your last resort is to get the WiFi LED light checked. For your information, this can be done for free if your networking device is under warranty or else you can get ready to spend some money to resolve the issue at hand.

The Conclusion

Here ends the blog written on how to resolve the Netgear router WiFi light not on issue. We are hoping that after following the hacks given above, you will be able to troubleshoot the same. By any chance, in case you are still stuck with the exact godforsaken issue, then either you can perform routerlogin.net setup from scratch or get in touch with our team. They will not take up much of your time to help you to resolve the issue at hand. If you do not believe us, you should contact them now and see for yourself.

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