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Facing Netgear Orbi Admin Lock Issue? Here’s the fix

Facing Netgear Orbi Admin Lock Issue Here's the fix

Access to admin controls lets users make changes to its configuration. It also helps you keep the network safe from unauthorized devices and data thieves. But, the slightest problems with this can make the device and network vulnerable to unauthorized access. Have you recently downloaded a Netgear Orbi Update? There is a high chance you will face the Netgear Orbi Admin Lock issue and not be able to access the admin settings. Confused? Pay attention to the information below.

Let us first see what the Netgear Orbi Firmware update is all about.

The Netgear Orbi Firmware Update

On April 27th, 2022 networking device manufacturer Netgear released the firmware update. Similar to earlier updates, this firmware update also came with some impressive benefits.

Features of Orbi Firmware Update

  • Support for Smart Parental Controls (SPC)
  • Removal of Remote Management feature from the router web interface
  • DHCP Option 60 & 61 support for ISP internet and IPTV connectivity
  • Fixes security vulnerabilities

Apart from this, the also came with numerous bug fixes including:

  • Fixes for Netgear Armor activation issue
  • Fixes for SPC activation issue
  • Fixes for DNS timeout issue
  • Fixes for the issue where phantom satellite appeared in the device list
  • Fixes for the issue when satellite LED ring lights up in random solid blue
  • Fixes the orbilogin.net access issue when DoH (DNS over HTTPS) is enabled

These features ensured that every Netgear Orbi user had the best internet connectivity and browsing experience. But, what happened became the Orbi Admin Console Locked issue.

The Issue With Netgear Orbi Firmware Update

No matter, whether you have an Orbi RBR750 or RBS750, the Orbi firmware update made things complicated. As soon as the users downloaded the update it locked them out from the admin control settings. Users were not able to access the Router’s Admin Console through the Orbi app or an internet browser.

Yes! You could access the internet as pinging the device did give a response. But, it was of little use if your home or office network is not secure against hackers and data thieves. In other words, the turned out to be an inferior Orbi Firmware update.

Let us first hear what Netgear said about this whole scenario.

What Netgear Said

On 13th May 2022, Netgear acknowledged that they were aware of the issue and have been working on a solution. The company made it clear they were aware that many users were not able to access or manage their Orbi Wi-Fi systems through the app or web user interface due to the Orbi firmware update.

But, if you are tired of sitting and waiting for the solution we have a few simple tips for you to follow.

Troubleshooting Tips for Netgear Orbi Firmware Update Issue

Given below are six important tips you should keep in mind to take care of the Netgear Firmware update issue.

1. Sufficient Power Supply

Poor power supply is one of the main reasons why you might not be able to update the Netgear Orbi firmware. In the long run, this will not only impact the device performance but also increase the risk of Netgear Orbi Admin Lock issue.

Make sure the Netgear Orbi device is receiving sufficient power supply. Use a functional and undamaged power socket for plugging in the Orbi device. Do not use an old or damaged power supply as that puts the Netgear Orbi device at risk of permanent damage.

2.Correct Login Credentials

The username and password that come by default with the Orbi device are case-sensitive. It means you have to keep the Caps Lock key off when entering the login credentials. Doing this ensures you do not face the Orbi Admin Console not working after firmware update issue.

3.The Web Browser Matters

No matter whether you use Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari, the web browser should run on the latest version. Make sure the browser does not contains any older browsing history, junk, and cache files. These are a major hurdle when you try to perform the Orbi firmware update process.

4. Zero Network Interference

The Netgear Orbi router has to be kept away from hard surfaces like walls or cabinets. These create hindrance when you try to update the firmware. This leads to Orbi firmware update issue.

You should also ensure the Netgear Orbi device is kept away from cordless phones, television, radio, baby monitors, microwaves, bluetooth devices, washing machines, and reflective surfaces like mirrors.

5. Smooth Internet Connectivity

Another reason why you might face the Firmware update locked Orbi Admin Console issue is poor internet connectivity. Make sure there is no network-related issue from your ISPs (Internet Service Provider) end.

Following the steps mentioned above will help you complete the Netgear Orbi setup process. But, if you still face Netgear Orbi Admin Lock issue then get in contact with our tech support experts.

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