Home / I Can’t Connect Switch to WiFi Router Nighthawk R8000. Help!

I Can’t Connect Switch to WiFi Router Nighthawk R8000. Help!

Switch to WiFi Router Nighthawk R8000

The networking world is colossal and so does the number of issues emerging there. This blog will specifically focus on the connection problem between a WiFi router and a switch. Here, we have tried to address a situation presented by a Netgear user who can’t connect switch to WiFi router.

His actual statement went like this – I’m attempting to create a connection between my switch and the home network. I’ve registered the switch through the Insight app. Still, it does not appear in the list of devices connected to my Nighthawk R8000 router. Apart from this, I can’t even ping my switch using the IP address Furthermore, I’m unable to see the MAC address of the switch in the routerlogin.net portal.

If you are also stuck in the same kind of problem, then this blog will surely help you get out of the mess. So, let’s push the envelope.

Understanding the Switch and Router Connection

The troubleshooting part will be discussed later. But, let us first help you understand the science behind the connection between the WiFi router and a switch. We are assuming that you are NOT using a MANAGED SWITCH. The reason being, the Managed switch will require some different sort of troubleshooting technique as you need to configure it through the web-based portal on a computer.

In the case of an unmanaged switch, you only need to create an Ethernet connection between the router and switch. It means, just pick an Ethernet cable and insert its one end into the router’s LAN port and the other one into the switch’s LAN port. Connect your Ethernet-enabled client device to the switch. After that, power up all the aforementioned devices. You will be able to ping your switch in this case as it is sharing a direct connection with the computer.

Apart from this, you can also ping your router using its default IP address. But, if you can’t connect switch to WiFi router or ping it either, it means a problem has arisen. Move to the next section to understand what to do to resolve the issue.

Solution: Can’t Connect Switch to WiFi Router Nighthawk R8000

Here is a deep analysis of the situation presented by the user and possible workarounds. You are suggested to walk through the below-given pointers carefully.

  • If you try to ping your switch through the router’s interface, then the chances of you getting failed are higher. This is because the source IP used will be of the switch’s VLAN. To be specific, you are attempting to span a VLAN across router interfaces. In this case, you are suggested to shut down the switch’s VLAN interface and try to ping again. You might be successful because the source IP will be of the switch’s non-VLAN interface.
  • Consider creating an HSRP instance per VLAN. For your information, HSRP stands for Hot Standby Router Protocol. It helps in achieving nearly 100 % network uptime which can be a major reason why you can’t connect switch to WiFi router Nighthawk R8000 and ping it. Moreover, you can consider giving each SVI (Switch Virtual Interface) a unique IP address.

After you’re done taking care of the aforementioned things, you will be able to connect your switch to the home network. And yes, pinging it will also become possible. In the case of a Managed switch, consider logging in to it and tweak some VLAN settings. You might also need to create tagged and untagged ports. This can be done by accessing the switch’s default IP (, in this case) as you do for the router through its default IP,

The Final Thoughts

This was all about what to do if you can’t connect switch to WiFi router and ping it. Although the tips mentioned here were given w.r.t. to an unmanaged switch and the Netgear Nighthawk R8000 router, you are free to use them for other router models too.

Just in case you are still failing, it is suggested that you check the LAN cables connecting the router, switch, and the PC. They must be non-damaged in every condition. Apart from this, aim for a finger-tight connection. Restarting the network switch and the WiFi router can also help you achieve success with the process.

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